Be a bat and get the nectar! Mom my straw is to short! I have to put my face on the glass to reach it!
Sticky faces LOL!
My dd Convinced me to make her a Egyptian dress-up outfit She's not wearing it authentically but that's A O.K. with me.
Shocker of shockers I opened up Little M's Desk last night to grab her CTC and maybe, just maybe all the lectures on: "Put it away then you will find it!" are sinking in... Note the fake cell phone in the desk, an important piece of school equipment. I can see how the Spectrum Balance Protocol diet has been making huge improvements in her focus and ability to function in society. But neatness, caring for her stuff that is icing on the cake.
On Thursdays my kiddos do all their school work in the kids corner while I volunteer at GFA. Little Miss Sunshine forgot her bible and asked in one of the offices close by if they had one for her to barrow. She was Complimented with "WOW you girls are in there? You are so quiet." I love that I have girls they are not constantly loud or rambunctious. They quietly go about their work. Maybe it's because I never tolerated screaming, maybe it's just because they are girls but it sure is paying great benefits now :-)
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